Hyperledger Distributed ledger Technologies: Fabric, Besu, Sawtooth, Iroha, and Ind

4 min readNov 29, 2021


Companies across the world are implementing blockchain technology, and it is becoming more vital than ever to have a private blockchain platform. Hyperledger is leading the DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) implementation race. The open-source projects of Hyperledger offer more use cases of enterprise blockchain.

Most of the people out there are aware of how blockchain functions and the ecosystem of Hyperledger. In this article, we are going to discuss the five active Hyperledger DLTs. They are as follows:

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Hyperledger Distributed ledger Technologies: Fabric, Besu, Sawtooth, Iroha, and Indy

Hyperledger Fabric:

One of the most famous Hyperledger development frameworks is Hyperledger Fabric. JavaScript or Golang is used for writing smart contracts. Hyperledger Fabric is popular because of its extensibility and enables enterprises to make distributed ledger networks above a successful and established architecture.

Initially, Digital Asset and IBM contributed a permissioned blockchain. Fabric is used for developing solutions or applications having a modular structure. For offering operations like membership services and consensus, plugin components are considered. Smart contracts (also called chain code) can be executed and hosted by Fabric.

The nodes of Hyperledger Fabric can carry several ledgers on every node, and it is considered to be a top feature for enterprise applications. The private data can be exchanged by the members among themselves in a consortium.

Hyperledger Besu:

Written in Java, Hyperledger Besu is formulated on Apache 2.0 license. It is an open-source Ethereum client and can easily run on a public network of Ethereum or any permissioned private networks, and also in test networks like Ropsten, Gorli, and Rinkeby. Multiple consensus algorithms are supported by Besu, like PoA, IBFT, and PoW.

EEA (Enterprise Ethereum Alliance) specification is implemented by Hyperledger Besu. It connects to the network of blockchain for synchronizing transaction data of blockchain or emitting the events to the network. Transactions are processed by Besu via smart contracts in an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) environment. Hyperledger Besu makes use of data storage of blocks.

Good API interfaces developed using Hyperledger platforms and development tools are published by Besu for the proper functioning of the blockchain network. Besu also has comprehensive permissioned schemes specifically designed for usages in a consortium environment.

Hyperledger Sawtooth:

Python has been used for writing the Sawtooth-core, and Rust is used for writing Sawtooth Sabre and Sawtooth Raft. Also, Golang and JavaScript components are used. Hyperledger Sawtooth also supports EVM by collaborating with Hyperledger Burrow. According to the design of Sawtooth, it addresses the performance issues. Sawtooth’s every node approves and validates a transaction.

An advanced parallel scheduler is followed by Hyperledger Sawtooth development for classifying transactions into parallel flows. It ultimately boosts the performance of transaction processing. The deployment and development of an application are simplified by Sawtooth as it separates the core system level and application level.

The custom transaction processors can be defined by every application in Sawtooth for meeting the unique requirements. It facilitates low-level functions such as managing chain-wide settings, storing on-chain permissions, and saving performance analysis and block information.

Hyperledger Iroha:

Being a Hyperledger blockchain framework, Iroha is made for targeting the management and creation of complicated digital identities and assets. It is user-friendly, and C++ is used for writing it. It is incorporated with a robust role-based model for accessing control, and it eventually supports complicated analytics. When you use Iroha for managing identity, performing and querying commands are limited to the people having access to the Iroha network.

Iroha’s powerful permissions system makes sure that all the transactions are controlled and secured. Iroha can be easily used for creating and managing both simple and complex digital assets like personal medical data. The in-build smart contracts known as “commands” can be used for integrating blockchain into the business process.

BFT consensus is used by Iroha, and this makes it ideal for businesses that need low-cost verifiable data consistency.

Hyperledger Indy:

As one of the commonly used blockchain development Hyperledger platforms, Indy is explicitly developed for managing decentralized identity. Python is used for building the Indy node, and Rust is used for writing SDK. It provides reusable components and tools for managing digital identities on distributed ledgers or blockchains.

The architecture of Hyperledger Indy is suitable for all applications that need heavy work on identity management because it is easily interpretable across several domains, applications, and organization silos. Indy stores identities securely. Hyperledger is entirely identity correlation-resistant.

Each of the decentralized identities on the Hyperledger Indy platform has got a unique identifier that will solely belong to you. And no one else can use or claim your identity on behalf of you. In short, Indy eliminates the risk of identity theft.


Hyperledger Fabric is widely used for supply chain management. Hyperledger Besu can be used for making public consortium blockchain apps that give support to several consensus algorithms. Hyperledger Sawtooth is made for high performance. Hyperledger Indy and Iroha are inclined together toward digital asset identity and management.

In short, everything depends on your use. So, based on requirements, you can opt for enterprise Hyperledger solutions to implement any of these 5 Hyperledger DLTs in your business.




Written by Codezeros

Codezeros is a top Blockchain solution and service provider company that reinvents business with Blockchain solutions. https://www.codezeros.com/

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